2003 Activities

21 November - Annual Installation and Awards was held at the Atlantic Beach Club.  About 130 people attended.  The Sydney Wright award went to Anne and Harry Lane on Fast Lane.  Winston Knight was voted as the JYC Yacht Person of the Year.  Commodore Ed Doherty thanked Winston for his many years of service as the JYC Treasurer. Samira generated a PowerPoint slide show that was displayed in the lobby area as people arrived and everyone seemed to like it.  Samira did this last year also.   The whole night went very smoothly; the food was great.  Commodore Doherty had pictures of many of the boats framed and provided for the owners to pick up. 

10 November - The following awards have been announced for this year to be awarded at the Annual Installation and Awards on 21 Nov: Jr. Sportsmanship - Tom Brendlinger,  Jr. Achievement - Katrina Salk, Kit Wright - Vic Calabretta, US Sailing Sportsmanship - Harry Lane.  The JYC Yacht person will be voted on at the dinner.

17 October - Annual Meeting. The 2004 slate identified below were voted in to be installed at the Annual Installation and Awards 21 Nov.  The following organizations were slated to receive funds from the Fool's Rules Regatta: Jamestown Ambulance, Newport Boys and Girls Club, Leslie Wolken - 8th grade arts, Boy Scouts - Troop 1, Jamestown Police Dept, Jamestown Fire Dept, Conanicut Island Land Trust and Visiting Nurses of Newport.

14 October - The slate for next year's board has been proposed.   Commodore Ed Doherty said the following.  "The good news is the Y2003 board will remain mostly in tact with only one change.  Longtime board member, Winston Knight, due to travel commitments next year, felt he would not be able to fulfill his duties next year.  On behalf of all JYC members I would like to thank Winston for his dedication and service to the club.  He has done an outstanding job managing the clubs finances.  For this and all the other club work he has done we are truly grateful.  Bill Cone, a longtime member of JYC will join the 2004 board as the club's treasurer.  For those who do not know Bill, you probably have seen him out on his boat honky tonk Attitude or at one of the club's functions.  Bill has a dynamic personality and tremendous energy; we look forward to working with him."  The 2004 proposed slate of officers is: Commodore - Ed Doherty, Vice Commodore - Samira Hakki, Rear Commodore - Mary Brennan, Treasurer - Bill Cone, Secretary - Maureen Rontundo.   The Annual Meeting is this Friday at the Firehouse upstairs at 7PM sharp.   Pizza and drinks will be provided.  Also, bring your nominations for the following awards: Marston W. Keeler Jr. Sportsmanship Award, JYC Outstanding Junior Achievement Award, Kit Wright Community Service Memorial Award, and the U.S. Sailing Sportsmanship Award.

5 October - Racing is over for 2003.  Boo, hiss!  Check results on the Racing page.

7 September - First race of the Fall Series and what a wonderful day.   RC decided to send us out to Buter Ball which provided a wonderful ride back under spinnaker.  Gorgeos day.  Now if only the rest would be like today!

6 September - The 2003 Family Day was held on today at the Fort Getty Pavilion.  The weather was perfect, with a light breeze and the temperature in the high 70's.  It was a great day to explore the beach, fly a kite, or participate in our Junior Triathlon.  The kids love this event and it gets bigger and bigger each year.  We now have three classes!!  The results are posted below.  The food was outstanding.  Mary Brennan led the food effort by buying some of the best corn of the season.  Andrew Kallflez under the direction of Julio DiGiando provided tasty seafood for consumption.  We had steamers, mussels, and chowder, plus the usual hamburgers and hotdogs.  A special thanks to Bill and May Munger for their help setting up and cooking the food.
Third Annual JYC Kids Triathlon Results
Ages 7 and Under

1. Amina Brown
2. Meryl Nelson-Lee
3. Emily Kallfelz
4. Eliza Kallfelz
5. Madeline Doherty
6. James Doherty
Ages 9-10
1. Daniel Hansen
2. Julia Hansen
3. Casey Brown
4. Haley Rotundo
Ages 11 & Over
1. Alex Sakovits
2. Will Deffley
3. Erin Brennan
4. Meredith Deffley
5. Cate Brennan
6. Taylor Hansen
7. Madison Hansen
8. Lisa Brendlinger
9. Michael Brendlinger

26 August - The last summer race is over (where did summer go).   It finished with an interesting but long race into the dark with dying breeze.   The fall series starts 7 September.

24 August - Posted registration form and Notice of Race for the Jamestown Lions Club pursuit Regatta scheduled for 13 September.

24 August - The results of last week's Fools' Rules Regatta are posted.

31 July - Crew Rotation results posted tonight.

30 July - The Crew Rotation race was held last night with great attendance however I have not been provided the results.  I will post the results as soon as I get them.

16 July - The JYC/CYC Challenge was canceled due to lack of interest from both yacht clubs.

14 July - I noticed today that the date for the Crew Rotation was incorrect on the race page.  I have fixed  the race page.  The Crew Rotation is July 29 and Summer Race #6 is July 22.

22 June - Sorry about the tardiness in getting the 17 June results up.   I was in Bermuda and didn't bring my computer with me and didn't have ftp capability at the internet cafes I went to.  But they are posted now.

13 May - First race of the year!

13 May - Posted the 2003 Cruise letter.   Take a look at this year's plan.

3 May - The 2003 Commissioning Event took place Saturday at the Museum of Yachting in Newport.

2 May - Posted the 2003 Race Circular in both PDF (includes entry form) and html

29 April - This year's Skippers' Meeting was held at the Jamestown Country Club.

21 March - Pot Luck at the Jamestown PAC was held.  Plenty of food was provided from the participants.  Our Vice Commodore, Samira, set up "Joe the Juggler" as the evening's entertainment for the kids.

18 March - Steve McInnis, Ed Doherty and I, at the Jamestown Fire House, went over the Racing Circular for this years racing.

1 January  - H A P P Y    N E W      Y E A R


Created by Roy H. Guay - 16 January, 2004