2008 JYC Activities

17 Nov - Awards/Installation Party was held.

19 Oct - An error was made in the final Fall results for Class B.  The results were corrected with the following results: 1st - Conudrum, 2nd - Lynx, 3rd - Blues Eracer (due to tie breaker) and 4th - Fast Lane.

17 Oct - Jamestown Yacht Club Annual Meeting was held at the Jamestown Firehouse.  Pizza, wine and beer were good and the conversation is always good.  The slate as proposed was approved to be sworn in at the Awards and Installation Banquet 21 November.  The new slate is: Commodore - Alan Baines, Vice Commodore - Rob Lambert, Rear Commodore - Chris Brown, Secretary - Carol Nelson Lee and Treasurer - Jane Eaton.  The profits from this years' Fools' Rules Regatta ($600) was agreed to distributed as follows: $100 to Jamestown Fire Department, $300 to Jamestown Welfare Fund, $300 to Jamestown Food Pantry and $300 to Jamestown Medical Fund.  There was a lively discussion about social events like where to meet after the races for food and results and how to best organize other social events for members.

5 Oct - Another season of racing is gone, sigh!  Which means warm weather is leaving us again!  Hope all enjoyed the racing this year.  Note that the Awards will be 21 November at the Hyatt in Newport.

9 Sep - The first Fall Race is behind us now.  What a wonderful day.  NOTE: An amendment to the Fall Series Sailing Instructions has been posted

25 Aug - This year's Fools' Rules Regatta results are now posted.

12 Aug - Racing was canceled today due to threat of thunder storms and no wind.

22 July - Crew Rotation Race was well attended again.  Cheryl Rienzo and the rest of the Race Committe broke the group into 3 classes and had to improvise a new course since the wind direction did not work out with the canned courses. However all worked out well and it was a nice evening.

17 July - Check out the agenda for the Annual Cruise.

3 June - I apologize for the late posting of this week's results.  I was on my way back from Bermuda sailing.  But they are posted now.

17 June - First race of the summer and it was well attended.  We are moving the apres race to the Narragansett Cafe on Narragansett Ave in the center of town.  Come and join us after racing.  Video of the racing will be shown.

10 June - The last race of the Spring series was tonight.  However, the final results are pending several issues so there are no overall results yet.

28 May - JYC Cruise meeting was held.  Check the itinerary for this year by clicking on "Cruising" at the left.

20 May - Racing canceled due to lack of wind, thunderstorms, etc.  Oh and it was raining!

14 May - Our first 2008 race was held last night and for the first time in over 10 years we started off of the dock.  Makes for an interesting start.  The wind calmed down from the early NorEaster and it was a very pleasant sail.

30 April - The Skipper's Meeting was held last night and the 2008 Race Circular was handed out.  If you missed that you can get it by contacting Steve McInnis or downloading it from here.

12 April - Note the notice for the Commissioning on 4 May

4 April - The 2008 calendar has been updated with other activities around the area.

14 February - The 2008 calendar is shaping up and has been posted in the calendar section.

3 February - The 2008 Racing schedule has been posted on the racing page.

1 January - H A P P Y    H O L I D A Y S

Created by Roy H. Guay - 05 February, 2009