2013 JYC Activities

20 Oct - Protest for 22 September has been resolved.  Proceeds from the Fools Rules was donated in the following amounts; $200 each to the North Kingstown High School Sailing Team and to the Conanicut Island Sailing Foundation, and $100 to the Joshua Leonard Sailing Scholarship. It was memtioned that Timothy Fay, 8 years old, received the year's scholarship who had taken lessons this season at CYC.  The new slate of officers was approved for installation at the Annual Banquet; Commodore - Samira hakki, Vice Commodore - Rob Bestoso, Rear Commodore - Michael Schnack, Secretary - Rosemary Burns, Treasurer - Jack Rienzo, Member At Large - Rich Moody.

18 Oct - Annual Meeting was held.

6 Oct - The 2013 racing season is over.  Hope all had a good time.  See you next year I hope.

28 Sep - Pictures of the Fool's Rules Regatta have been posted.

15  Sep - The Fall newsletter is now posted.

8 Sep - First race of the Fall series.  Nice day but one hell of a current.  A couple of us, won't name names, couldn't make the starting line pin due to that current. And for one of us the race didn't get any better.  But it was a nice day for a sail.

30 July - The Crew Rotation Race was held with most boats in the spinnaker class.  It was a beautiful night with the wind more west than normal making the "J" course different from past times.

7 July - The summer newsletter is now posted.

14 May -The first race is over.  The race committee boat had engine problems which delayed the start which was held off the dock.  That's a first in a long time. And it was cold out there.

26 Apr - JYC Commissioning - Come out May 5 at 5 pm and commission the JYC 2013 season by raising our burgee at the flag pole at the Community center and will proceed right after to the Narragansett Cafe for drinks and hors d'oeuvres.  Finish your boat work early enough to come out and celebrate.  Hope to see lots of members, guest and perspective members. 

24 Apr - The rules and entry form for this year's Fool's Rules Regatta are posted.

23 Apr - The 2013 Race Book and Amendment have been posted.  Go to the JYC PHRF Racing page.

5 Apr -  Pot Luck dinner had a good turn out of 35 members at the JYC Tavern complete with Disco ball.  The evening highlight was awarding the Joshua Leonard Scholarship to Tim Fay, a new sailor from Jamestown who plans on taking sailing lesson this year at CYC.

2 Feb - The winter newsletter is now posted.

20 January - The 2013 calendar is now posted.

16 January - It is that time of the year again.  The application for the Joshua Wadsworth Leonard Memorial Sailing Scholarship is posted.  Applications need to be in by 24 February.

12 January - Race Management/Race Committee Training
  I am writing to you let you know about a Race Management/Race Committee training and certification course offered at Westbay Yacht Club in East Greenwich.  I am also writing to share my personal experiences with race management and how it can help, or cripple, a racing fleet.
  Race Committee is a special function in any yacht club that is critical for keeping members engaged in on the water activities.  I've seen the struggles that a fleet faces when there are changes in who is running the races, and it is not pleasant for all involved.  In the case I was involved in, it nearly decimated the racing fleet which was for years the core of the yacht club's members and activities. The primary reason for the frustrations among the racers and interim race committee was that there was no one else truly experienced with setting up a course, getting the races off, and properly scoring the results.  In most cases, there are a peripheral group of sailors that accompany the race committee with their duties but rely heavily on the expert to run the show.  This seminar is a perfect opportunity to educate those race committee bystanders and ultimately have a contingency plan if there are changes in those organizing and executing the races.
  I'd ask that you please forward this to those in your club who are in charge of race committee and any other officers that may feel a class like this would be beneficial.  Please reply to Grant Brandon, copied, and me with any questions.  For the advancement of sailboat racing in this great state, I hope to see many of you there.  Thank you.
Raymond Way

1 January - H A P P Y    H O L I D A Y S

Created by Roy H. Guay - 16 April, 2014