2018 JYC Activities

19 October - The annual meeting was held at the Jamestown Firehouse and 23 members participated.

18 October - The October JYC Courier is now posted.

3 October - The JYC Summer and Fall series have been rescored as Breakaway has withdrawn due to a rating error. We appreciate his sportsmanship in coming forward, once the error was found. Hope to see you all at the Annual Installation and Awards Banquet.
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

30 September - Thank you to all our racers for an interesting 2018 season, ending on a beautiful, sunny fall day! And special thanks to our very awesome race committee volunteers who have stuck with me to conduct a solid racing season! Hope to see you all at the Installation and Awards Banquet on Nov 16th at Atlantic Resort in Middletown, as well as at our winter social events. Before you know it our 2019 season will be here.
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

23 September - No racing due to NO WIND!

18 September - There are 24 spots available for teh Jamestown Yacht Club Rum Runner Adventure to be held after the last race on 9/30; 5:30pm. Please contact Mary Giffin. #35 per person including beverages.

9 September - What a wild ride today from a very unusual wind direction. What a difference from our 1st fall race in August!
Congrat’s to all who came out to join us today to enjoy the sail.
See you on the water next Sunday!
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

21 August - Thanks to all who joined us for another interesting summer series. We appreciate you coming out. Thank you as well to our wonderful regular volunteers who help make our racing successful: Anne Lane, Kate Shuhy, Lesley Engelson, Gary Engelson, Jack Rienzo, Richard Eberhard, Mike Schnack, Colleen Schnack, and Roy Guay.
We hope we’ll see you all on the water next Tuesday night for the 1st Fall Series race.
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

20 August - The results of the 41st Fool's Rules are now posted.

24 July - As a reminder to our Racers, please stay clear of the Race Committee Boat while we are setting the pin as well as tying up to Special Race Mark C for the starts. It becomes a safety issue while we are setting up for the race. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

JYC Summer Race 6 is now in the books. What a great night with good solid wind and beautiful moonlight.
The fog even held off. Hope you all enjoyed the courses. See you on the water next week.
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

10 July - No protest was filed for last week's race.

6 July - The Potter's Cove Rendezvous was canceled due to the forecast.

6 July - The 2018-2020 South Bay Race Chart is now posted in the PHRF Racing page.

3 July - Thank you all who attended this evening’s Crew Rotation Race. Even Race Committee swapped tasks for the evening. The weather was a bit worrisome with T-Storms threatening, but the wind held until everyone made it in and there was a beautiful sunset to enjoy at the end.
Hopefully, you all enjoyed the evening as much as we did.
See you next week for continuation of the Summer Series.
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

18 June - The June Newsletter is posted now.

5 June - Last race for the Spring Series and talk about light air!  Fortunately RC shortened the course or we would still be out there.
After a damp and fairly windless evening on the water, Jamestown Yacht Club members and our Racers enjoyed the wonderful hospitality of Conanicut Yacht Club for our end of Spring series/Welcome to Summer get together. Thank you to the team at CYC who kept the dogs and burgers flowing! Also, thanks to Kate Shuhy for organizing the RSVPs!  Check out photos of the last race and the evening on our facebook page. See you next week for the first race of the summer series!

1 June - The application for the Joshua Wadsworth Leonard Scholarship is now available for download.  Application period is 1 June to 30 June.

30 May - Please note that the Draft 2018-2020 South Bay Race Chart currently available on the Sail Newport website does not include the correct 2018 JYC Courses. We are working with Sail Newport to correct. Pending the final published South Bay Chart, you are reminded to use the attached course summary. Regards,
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

22 May - Racing was canceled due to really light winds.  Rain didn't help any.

15 May - Spring Race #2 canceled due to thunder storms.

8 May - Beautiful evening to start our season with great turn out for the first race….. That said, Race Committee is rusty after a winter off (at least I am).
A special thanks to Conanicut Marina for getting our dock box out on the pier for us in such short notice (today). That was a good start however, things got interesting after that.
First, I realized that I forgot the course board when I loaded our gear this morning. Then we pulled the clock out for the start and got about 2 minutes before the Class A warning when it died. We ended up using the stop watch on my phone.
From our view, the line was pretty square despite our dock start. Then as the C Fleet headed north from Z, we watched the fog roll in. Thanks to everyone for following our radio instructions for shortening course so we could get the finish in before we were truly socked in.
Hope you all enjoyed the first race anyway and made it back to your moorings/slips safely! See you out there next week.
(Reminder: it is once again a dock start).
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

7 May - The first race of the 2018 racing season is coming up this Tuesday.  Cheryl Rienzo has updated the race book which is posted on the website. As the 2018-2020 South Bay Racing Chart has not yet been posted, I have attached the revised courses as you will see them on that chart and as included in our Race Book. The 2015-2017 chart is not the same, so please do not use that for courses.
Also, due to the Volvo Ocean Race Newport Stop Over, the first 2 Tuesdays of our racing may see more traffic on the Bay than we normally would. Please stay alert for those not racing.
Lastly, for the first 2 Tuesday races we will be conducting dock starts. Race Committee will be on the CMS Fuel Dock for the starts as well as the normal finishes.
See you on the water!
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

7 Mar - The March Courier is posted.

1 Feb - Winter Dinner at Bay Voyage:  Teh winter dinner was a hge success.  A total of 43 JYC members gathered for dinner, conversation and good times at the Bay Voyage Inn.  Our esteemed Commodore won general approbation for delivering one of the shortest speeches in JYC history.  This was followed by a challenging trivia tournament dealing with nautical ephemera and local history.  The winners received hats and other highly valued prizes.  All in all, a great way to while away a winter's eve with friends and anticipate warm days to come.
Mary Giffin, Social Chair.

1 Jan - Happy New Year!

Created by Roy H. Guay - 23 January, 2019