1998 Activities

20 November - We had the Annual Awards Banquet at the Viking Hotel in Newport.  There was a record breaking 130 people attending.  Lois Cone was installed as the next JYC Commodore to steer the JYC for the next two years.  She swore in the rest of the JYC Board as identified below.   The 1998 JYC awards and the 1998 Racing awards were handed out.  The Race Committee were thanked for providing enjoyable racing for the past year and each Race Committee member was provided a gift.  I hope that all enjoyed the racing and look forward to seeing you next year.

16 October - The JYC Annual meeting was held at the Fire House upstairs.  Jennifer Cone provided pizza, brownies and drinks.  Each committee chair reported.  The new slate of board members was presented by the Nomination Committee Chair Steve McInnis and approved: Commodore - Lois Cone, Vice Commodore - Julio DiGiando, Rear Commodore - Rich Boes, Secretary - Melanie Doherty, Treasurer - Winston Knight, Members At Large - Bucky Brennan & V.G. Gooding, Social Chairperson - Ellen Mary McDonagh.  Fools Rules proceeds were divided up and assigned to several non-profit organizations. And of course we had the usual story telling going on before and after the meeting.

4 October - The last race of the 1998 series is behind us now.  I hope all enjoyed this year's racing. We never made it to the starting line today, it was really low tide and we could not get out of the slip area at the Newport Yacht Club.  We had a tremendous group of boats this year and I hope to see you all out there next year.

29 September - The Nominating Committee Chair, Steve McInnis, brought forward the following slate of officers for approval at the upcoming annual meeting on 16 October at the Fire House upstairs.

Commodore: Lois Cone
Vice Commodore: Julio DiGiando
Rear Commodore: Rich Boes
Secretary: Melanie Doherty
Treasurer: Winston Knight
Member At Large: Bucky Brennan
Member At Large: V.G. Gooding

25 August - We had some strong wind tonight to finish the Summer Series.  We had a strong turnout (73) afterwards at the Jamestown Golf Course for an after series party.  I was impressed.  Unfortunately, I got there late and had to leave early so I missed out on seeing everyone.  Sorry about that.  Congratulations to all that qualified and of course to those that earned first, second and third.  The C and D classes had tremendous turnout over the whole season; 13 qualified out of 18 in C and 10 out of 16 in D.  The sport boat fleet was a disappointment in that only three boats qualified out of 10; the three boats that have been racing with us regularly over the past years.   The B fleet, which was the smallest fleet, had 5 boats qualify out of 9 (I was on one of the boats that did not qualify, something to do with hitting a rock at 8 knots and a two week cruise by the owner).

16 August - Family Picnic Day.   We spent the afternoon at Potter Cove beach gabbing while the kids and some big kids went swiming.  Thanks to Ellen McDonagh for setting the picnic up, the Mungers for providing the tent and Will Graham and Ed Doherty for setting up the tent.

15 August - The Fool's Rule Regatta was held today with tremendous participation.  As usual there were great and not so great entrees.  The weather was great and the wind gods provided a nice south westerly to move the boats(?) along.  I took some pictures and will post them on the web soon.  I will also post the rules as well as the application for next year's Regatta, eventually, so that they can be downloaded by anyone.

8 August - We held the JYC/CYC Challenge today and were soundly trounced by the CYC group.  I had to give up the trophy to Jack Hubbard.  We (Race Committee) gave the racers a course that went by the newly acquired, to the area, aircraft carrier, the Saratoga, but unfortunately it was a 6 mile course in light wind.  Boy was that a long downwind leg I hear mentioned more than once.  We had time to go buy sandwiches and drinks and eat it all before the fastest boat showed up.  I didn't get beat up too badly so it couldn't have been too bad.  The sun was out and it was nice day to be on the water.  I would like to thank some new people that were out there; Paul Sullivan and crew on Akavit and Bucky and Mary Brennan on West Ferry.  I had to come up with a PHRF rating for the Brennan's Moody 34.  I could not find a rating anywhere for it and the number I came up with may have been a tad on the low side.  Oh well.  I would also like to thank the CYC and Gerry Bay for the use of their club for after race comradery, etc.    And a special thanks for the rest of the Race Committee for taking a Saturday of their time (they enjoyed it though):  Cheryl Rienzo, Bob Jannelle and Jack Rienzo.  

I do not think that I will want to thank the Knights on Potential Difference.  Since they are members of both yacht clubs, they do not want to make a decision as to which yacht club that they will race for so they wait to see which yacht club has the least amount of boats and they choose that one.  Last year they sailed for CYC and CYC lost.  This year they sailed with us and we lost.   Is there some correlation there?

28 July - We held the Crew Rotation Race tonight.  33 boats participated; 21 in Spinnaker and 12 in Non-Spinnaker.   We heard a lot of people expressing  delight with this race; that they had fun.  Thanks.  I would also like to thank the Race Committee,  great courses.

14 July - I was in San Diego, CA for work reasons and I was unable to participate in the racing however, thanks to Cheryl and Jack Rienzo (they faxed me the results) I was able to post the results on the racing page.  There were a couple of fields I could not read which I updated on the following Saturday however the race results were correct as posted. However, I forgot to send the results to the papers so the results did not make any of the papers. Sorry about that.

26 June - Well, my guarantee for wind on the Night Race came through.  We had pretty decint wind although it varied from 4 to 18 knots but mostly about 9 knots and the direction varied from SW to WNW back to SW.  The predictions included Fog and Thunder Storms however we had neither and it turned out to be a very nice night.  We even saw stars and some lightning to the North.  Five boats showed up; 3 spinnaker and 2 cruising.  Search needs a leason on how to read the Race Committee's course board.  They tacked on an additional 3.2 miles  to the race and still managed to beat us on corrected time (boy are we good).   Included in the racing this year was a boat that is not racing with us; Octopys's Garden, Don and Sarawyn Berrett's J/35C.  Everyone said it was a great sail.

9 June - This was the last race of the 1998 Spring Series and we capped it off with a cookout at the Jamestown Golf Club. 58 people attended. What a great turn out for the end of the Spring Series. Unfortunately, some of the resluts are pending the results of protest hearings.  A Protest Hearing is scheduled for 15 June.

19 May - The first actual race was held today. This was much better than last week. We had a great turn out, the weather was great and afterwards we went to West Marine for a fleet party. Of course many of us spent money; some more than others, right Cheryl. Check the results on the Racing Page.

12 May - First Spring Series Race, only 4 boats show up and all from Newport. Well, with 25 to 31 Knot breeze out of the North East, no one from Jamestown could get to their boats. But the sun was shinning. So it was canceled and we will try again next week.

3 May - The CYC invited the JYC to a buffet and guest speaker on Hurricanes. Many JYC members showed up. The guest speaker was great and we all had a wonderful time. Thanks CYC especially Gerry Bay. May you not be on the East side of a Hurricane!

28 April - The 1998 Skipper's Meeting was held upstairs at the Jamestown Fire House. Unfortunately, the Boy Scouts out numbered us and all 26 of us, shoe horned ourselves into the little room upstairs.   However, it was a great turnout and it went well. We had four new skippers show up with more new skippers expected to race. The non-spinnaker class looks good, they are gaining at least 3 new boats. We are gaining an additional J/22 and J/24, and there are rumors that we will have Mumm 30s and One Design 35s. This year we may have more sport boats than non sport boats at the low end of the handicap range. Get those Racing applications in early to avoid the $10 late fee. Thanks for the participation.

26 April - The JYC Commissioning Brunch was held at Aidan's Pub of Newport. We had the Pub to ourselves. There was a great turnout, brunch was great, and many of the new members attended. Our Commodore, Will Graham, introduced all the new members and then introduced the JYC Board. I handed out the new 1998 JYC Race Circular to prospective racers. Two new members said that they would be racing this year. Also, the first Annual Joshua W. Leonard Memorial Sailing Scholarship was awarded to Taylor Hansen of Jamestown. This scholarship is to be awarded to an 8 to 14 year old who expresses an interest in sailing via essay. The Leonard family sponsors this scholarship.

16 April - The JYC Home Page moved to www.jyc.org.

26 February - Our Winter Dinner was held at the Bay Voyage Inn in Jamestown. Everyone, about 44 members were present, agreed that the meal was tremendous. While we ate we were entertained Cabaret style. Ellen McDonagh did a nice job of setting up the event and the Bay Voyage Inn a great meal and service.

Created by Roy H. Guay - 30 April, 2000