2006 Activities

18 December - The JYC Store has changed.  We now are using Team One to provide specific articles with JYC logos.  Check it out.

4 November - The invitations for the Awards Banquet that will be held 17 November went out yesterday and today.

4 October - Nominations for 2007 Board.  The nomination committee chaired by Julio DiGiando propose the following: Commodore - Mary Brennan, Vice Commodore - Alan Baines, Rear Commodore - Rob Lambert, Treasurer - Clifford Kurz, Secretary - Carol Nelson-Lee, Membership - Jenn Cone, House - Eileen Muldoon.

1 October - Well, this was supposed to have been the last race however a thunder storm decided to come through as everyone was getting ready to to out to the start.  We ran only three of the 5 scheduled races.  I don't recall that happening in the fall series before.  I hope all had a good time racing this year with Jamestown and hope to see you all next year. 

24 September - Fall Race 4 has been canceled.

6 September - Summer race #10 was updated for Class B due to Kaizen and Sea Shadow Retiring After Finishing.

4 September - The store items has been temporarily taken off but will be replaced as soon as I get the info from Team One who will handle our business.

3 September - Final Summer race results were updated due to an error.

3 September - Pictures for this year's Fools' Rules Regatta were posted today.  Take a look.

29 September - The end of another summer series!

12 June - Check out the posting of this year's cruise schedule.

7 June - Christine Fong is this year's Joshua Leonard Scholarship winner.

16  May - Our first real race was tonight.  The first day with sun shine in over one week.  And another year of racing begins.

9 May - Our first race was canceled due to excessive NE winds causing big waves in Jamestown center.

24 March - The Pot Luck dinner was a huge success.  Mr. Dinosaur was very popular for all age group.  Thanks to Jeff Roy for arranging the entertainment.

25 February - The Winter Dinner was held at the Conanicut Yacht Club.  About 30 people participated.  It is always nice to see people you haven't seen since last Fall.  The food was really good.  The guest speaker was a local Marine Pilot of the Northeast Marine Pilots, Vin Kirby.  Vin walked us through a recent job of piloting a tanker into Providence with lots of pictures. It became obvious that it can be a tricky job especially with a lot of boaters in the bay or inclement weather.  It was a very interesting subject for the evening.

1 January - H A P P Y    H O L I D A Y S

Created by Roy H. Guay - 18 January, 2007