2007 JYC Activities
16 November - Award's Party. The new board was installed. The following awards were announced: Sidney Wright - Robert Bestoso, JYC Yachtsperson - Mary Brennan, Kit Wright - Dick Allphin, Marston Keeler - Amina Brown, Jr Achievement - Emily Kallfelz and US Sailing Sportsmanship - Dennis Stoops.
19 October - The Annual Meeting was held at the Jamestown Fire Station. Clifford Kurz, the treasurer, reported that the Fools' Rules generated $1200 profit and as per usual, the members attending voted on which charities to disburse to: Conanicut Land Trust $600, Fire Department $100, Jamestown EMS $100, Jamestown Med Fund $100, NK Sailing Team $200 and Teen Center $100.
9 October - The Nominating Committee has just proposed the following slate for 2008: Commodore - Alan Baines; Vice Commodore - Rob Lambert; Rear Commodore - Chris Brown; Treasurer - Clifford Kurz; Secretary - Carol Nelson-Lee; Racing Chairman - Cheryl Rienzo; Member At Large - Eileen Muldoon & Trish Hines (Membership Chairman). This slate will be voted on at the 19 October Annual Meeting at the Jamestown Fire Station 7pm 2nd floor. Pizza, beer, and wine provided, please bring a desert to share.
30 September - The last JYC race is over and another season bites the dust. Hope all enjoyed a pretty good year of sailing. See you at the Awards and next year! Speaking about awards, the invites should be going out real soon now.
23 August - The results for class A were changed due to an error in scoring Unplugged.
21 August - The summer series if over and next week, Tuesday, is the start of the Fall Series. The results for the summer are tentative pending results of protest hearing.
18 August - The Fools' Rules Regatta was held today with 65 participating boats in conditions of 15-20 knots gusting to 30 knots.
8 August - Fog again. This time we started in fog. At one point you couldn't see both the pin and the race committee at the same time. Fog, light wind and strong current; only 2 classes finished, the rest were abandoned.
3 August - Fireball's rating was incorrect and has been corrected. Race 5, 6 and 7 were updated due to this error.
24 July - Crew Rotation Race. Class 1 took three tries to get the start right, the third start under the black flag. Rumors ended up on the wrong side of the line with less than one minute before the last start. Other than that it was a nice night and it looks like the fleet enjoyed this race.
10 July - Talk about fog! The fog really came in after the start tonight. Finding the marks was very difficult tonight as well as not hitting other boats. And a boat in tow came out of the fog also for measure.
10 July - We are looking for four (4) adult volunteers from the JYC to commit to help for the entire event of the Fool's Rules Regatta. Please contact Chris Powell.
19 June - Racing was canceled due to an LPG tanker going through the area after the start. Security boats were shooing everyone away. The security zone was probably as big as Goat Island to the moorings on Jamestown.
9 May - The first race of the 2007 season was held last night. Fifteen boats were the early birds. Not a bad first night although I wouldn't have minded a little bit warmer.
23 April - The 2007 Race Circular has been posted; Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions, Application, Waiver, Courses and Calendar.
23 April - Because the Town Offices have relocated to the Country Club, the Skipper's Meeting, tomorrow 24 April, will be upstairs at the Fire House.
23 March - The JYC potluck diner was held Friday March 23 from 6:30-8:30. The following is from Commodore Mary Brennan It was great to catch up with friends and fellow sailors after a long winter. Delicious food was enjoyed by all. The JYC membership was able to enjoy two great slide shows showcasing various adventures by fellow JYC members. The first was highlighting Alan Baines North Sea boat delivery/adventure in 2004. The second program was by Steve McInnis and Nancy Jamison who presented several excellent slides their recent scuba diving trip to Belize.
19 January - This year's Fools' Rules Regatta date, application and rules have been posted. Check them out.
1 January - H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S
Created by Roy H. Guay - 20 February, 2008