2009 JYC Activities

20 November - 102 people participated in this year's Awards and Installation Banquet at the Officer's Club, Newport, RI.  The food was wonderful as was the dancing afterwards.

6 October - Sorry about the delay in getting the Fall Series results up.  The website hoster changed the ftp parameters.  The results are up.  Another year of racing is done, sigh.  That means warm weather is leaving us.  Hope you enjoyed racing with us and look forward to seeing you next year!

30 September -  The slate for next year is available. Commodore: Rob Lambert, Vice Commodore: Chris Brown, Rear Commodore: Larry Shuhy, Secretary: Bonnie Hogan, Treasurer: Jane Eaton, Members at Large: Terry Jones and Kate Shuhy.

8 September - It was discovered that we scored the tie between Lynx and Aurora in Class C for the Summer results.  Aurora took first place in Class C for the Summer due to the tie breakers vice Lynx (which is what we had).  The results have been corrected.  Congratulations Andy and crew.

26 August - The good new is that the summer season is over however the bad news is that due to a series of errors, the Tuesday results as well as the season results will not be able to be posted until late Sunday/Monday morning.  Sorry about that.  See you Tuesday night for the 1st Fall Series Race.

18 July - To our 2009 Series Racers,
The Jamestown Yacht Club Race Committee would like to notify you of an incident that occurred during last Tuesday's race (7/11/09), where a racer was sailing too closely to a commercial vessel in the channel and may have prevented their ability to maneuver, as well as causing injury to the racing crew. The JYC Race Committee protested the racer involved, who has subsquently elected to RAF due to not following the rules.
While the Race Committee may postpone a race in order to let a vessel clear the area prior to any starting sequence, this is not always possible. Each racer is required to steer clear of these vessels at whatever point they come through the channel during a race. For reasons of boating/personal safety, JYC racers will be protested for this and other appropriate action taken if the behavior persists.
Additionally, please note that for those reasons of boating/personal safety, the Jamestown Yacht Club can be sanctioned by the US Coast Guard regarding this incident and not be allowed to conduct racing events. We, therefore, take this very seriously and would encourage all of our racers to do so as well. 
Per the COLREGs 9(b), 9(d), 16 and 18(b), US SAILING's The Racing Rules Of Sailing for 2009-2012 Part 1 Fundamental Rule 3 and Part 2 Preamble, and the Jamestown Yacht Club 2009 Race Circular, Sailing Instructions Para I General Instructions--Right Of Way Vessels, boats racing in our series are required to keep clear of vessels with limited maneuverability. Narragansett Bay has been designated a Restricted Channel and sailing vessels do not have right of way over a vessel under power which may be restricted in her ability to maneuver. 
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/RC Chairperson

15 July - The Fools' Rules Regatta was held this morning.  People from all over participated and it was a great success.  People are already planning for next year!  Check out the pictures on the Fools' Rules Regatta page; story to follow.

7 July - Racing canceled due to thunder storm threat.

9 June - The final race of the spring series is over and therefore next week is the beginning of the summer series.  Results posted from Bermuda!

8 June - There will be a social after the final Spring Race on the 9th at the Narragansett Cafe.  Appetizer Buffet will be available to our Racers
immediately following the race.

12 May - Another year of racing started tonight in wonderful conditions for the first night for getting the bugs out; light winds, fairly nice weather although it could have been warmer.

28 April - SKIPPER'S MEETING: The Skipper's Meeting was held tonight at the Fire House in Jamestown.  Cheryl Rienzo handed out the new Race Circular for 2009 to about twenty people in attendance.  Download the Race Circular (PDF). Not in the circular is a new three legged race scheduled for mid August; more to come later.

10 March - CRUISING: Dear JYC members,
            For some it may seem a bit early to be thinking about cruising in New England. Others may have been dreaming of sailing all winter or gone on a chartering vacation already.  In either case I am learning that to get many people organized to sail even over a weekend during this coming sailing season, it will take a lot of preparation and scheduling.  I am hoping to organize several mini-cruises this summer.
            As the new JYC Cruising Chairperson, I have been giving some thought to how more people can sail together more frequently over the course of the spring summer fall.  All of our schedules have their own personality.  So if we plan a bit now there will be more of a chance to have a lot of our members on each weekend mini-cruise.
            On the other hand sometimes the place we might plan to go to needs reservations so that space is allotted to our group.  With this email I am trying to get a sense of how many of us will be able and interested in visiting the Herreshoff Museum in Bristol.  The date that is available to us is June 12 and 13. We would arrive Friday and have the choice of docking at $3/foot or mooring at $35/night.  There is also an anchorage.  With the mooring and dockcomes a dinghy dock and shower facilities.  These are the group/visiting yacht club rates.  Saturday morning we would have an hour tour of the museum as a group with, of course, more time before or after to visit your favorite exhibits.  Museum admission would be $7/person (perhaps less if our group is large and students are $4) and there is no charge to members of the museum.  There are many, many beautiful and amazing boats on display.  I understand that we will have access to the Model Room, which is not generally open to the public.  
            Depending on who actually participates in this mini-cruise and their wishes, Saturday afternoon we could sail to Potter Cove on Prudence to picnic or barbeque and over night.  Or to another destination.
            Please let me know how interested you are in this.  Use my email address or my cell phone.
Looking forward to sweet sailing this spring summer and fall with JYC members and family,

Clifford Kurz
cliffordk @ cox. net

24 February -  The Winter Dinner was a great success.  Great food, great atmosphere and great folks.

4 February - The Racing input meeting was held at the Firehouse and many folks showed up with suggestions for this year's racing. The 2009 racing schedule has been posted.

1 January - H A P P Y    H O L I D A Y S

Created by Roy H. Guay - 14 January, 2010