2010 JYC Activities
19 Nov - About 117 people enjoyed the food, dancing and awards at this year's Annual Awards and Installation Banquet which was held at the Officer's Club on the Newport Navy Base. The following is the slate that was sworn in: Commodore: Rob Lambert, Vice Commodore: Chris Brown, Rear Commodore: Larry Shuhy, Secretary: Bonnie Hogan, Treasurer: Jack Rienzo, Member at Large: Kate Shuhy and Mary Moodey, Fleet Captain & Race Committee Chair: Cheryl Rienzo. Ed Doherty handed out Cruising Awards and Cheryl Rienzo handed out the Racing Awards. The following special awards were handed out: Yacht Person Of The Year - Kate Shuhy, Marston Keeler Junior Sportsmanship - Eliza Kallfelz, Outstanding Junior Achievement Award - Casey Brown, Kit Wright Award - Chris Brown, US Sailing Sportsmanship Award - Nicole Breault & Bruce Stone, and the Sydney L Wright Award - Dennis Nixon on Lynx. The pictures below were provided by Kate Shuhy (Larry told you the flash wasn't working!).
20 Oct - The invitations are out for the Annual Awards and Installation Banquet.
15 Oct - The Annual Meeting was held at the Jamestown Fire House. About 25 people participated. It was noted that the board reviewed the club insurance and made adjustments to our policies with the help of the insurance subcommittee: Vic Calabretta, Winston Knight and Jack Rienzo. The proceeds from the Fool's Rules Regatta were: Jamestown Fire and Police Departments, North Kingstown High School Sailing Team Conanicut Island Sailing Team and the University of Rhode Island Sailing Team.
3 Oct - The last race of the year was held today. "Very
different last race of the season than last year's floater with 25 knot winds
and 2-3 foot rollers in the bay! Many thanks to Eric Bell and the crew of
Phantom for their expert rescue of the crew of Spirit when she went down so
quickly. Glad all are safe and sound Thanks to all the Racers for a
great season. See you at the Annual Awards Banquet on 19 November."
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Race Committee
17 Sep - The Fall News Letter is posted.
2 Sept - The spring series results have been updated due to protest results.
29 Aug - The final summer results have been posted today. Sorry about the tardiness.
24 Aug - The last race was canceled due to an ugly Northeaster so the party started early. About 100 people showed up at the Narragansett Cafe for food and partying. Prizes were given to the boat(s) with the best Hawaiian Shirt set up.
14 Aug - The Fool's Rules
Regatta was held today.
"There was a total of 51 entries (not a record number, but average for
most years). One third of the entrants were from Jamestown, most from other
towns in RI. Six came from Ma. And Ct. and one family came from Quebec, Canada.
One group's vessel was titled "The Wedding Party" and the crew was the actual
wedding party for an upcoming wedding and the regatta day served as their
bachelor/ bachelorette party. Some of this party traveled from Pittsburgh, Pa".
Candy Powell
11 Aug - Come and join us at the Narragansett Cafe after racing on the 24th for the End of Summer Series Social (Luau) & Hawaiian Shirt Night
4 Aug - Sorry about that. The results email evidently got lost and didn't show up till 11am today.
21 July - The summer races were updated for Night Hawk to correct it's PHRF rating.
20 July - To all our Racers,
As this has been an unusual summer with our usual wind direction not being SSW
but more ESE, and therefore more courses into Newport harbor, our racers are
reminded that they should be considerate of other racers in other series racing,
particularly in the confined space of Newport harbor and the starting lines of
the other race series. Per The Racing Rules of Sailing, racers can be protested
by boats sailing in another race series. Continued interference with the other
regattas sailing out of Newport harbor, may be viewed as negligent by the Coast
Guard, who is monitoring the races. Several instances have been reported by the
other race committees of our boats running through the starting line with
a sequence in progress. Please be considerate
and avoid other starting lines!
All JYC race participants are reminded that operating in a negligent manner (as
determined by the Coast Guard) may cause our racing series to be terminated.
JYC racers are also once again reminded of the requirements, per paragraph 17.1
of the JYC 2010 Sailing Instructions, to check-out with the race committee if
withdrawing from a race for whatever reason, as we must notify the CG when all
our boats have finished racing.
Additionally, JYC racers are reminded, per paragraph 12 of the JYC 2010 Sailing
Instructions, to not recross the finish line. "If a competitor interferes with
another boat’s finish, he/she is subject to protest by the race committee."
Thank you for your attention to the above and your cooperation on the race
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Race
13 July - Racing was canceled due to threat of thunder stroms. The wind also disappeared.
7 July - The results for the first three summer races have been
updated due to the following problems:
Race 1 - 3: rating for Picante (Class A) updated to reflect correct PHRF
Race 2: finish time for Chairman A (Class C) corrected
Race 3: finish times for Easterner (Class A) and Skeleton Crew (Class C)
6 July -
Jamestown Yacht Club Race Committee would like to inform you of the Coast Guard
requirements regarding our event permit for the JYC racing.
The race participants are not exempt from any Federal, state, or local laws or
regulations, including no-wake zones.
Per our Sailing Instructions, paragraph 17.2, all participants are required to
follow Rule 9 of the Navigation Rules, which prohibits interference with vessels
than can only navigate within areas considered "narrow channels or fairways".
Narragansett Bay has been designated a Restricted Channel and sailing vessels do
not automatically become "stand-on" or "priviledged" by virtue of participation
in the racing event, i.e., do not have right of way over a vessel under power
which may be restricted in her ability to maneuver.
In decreased visibility (less than 2 nautical miles), race participants must
comply with the COLREGS sound signal requirements.
Additionally, JYC racers are reminded of the requirements, per paragraph 17.1 of
the JYC 2010 Sailing Instructions, to check-out with the race committee if
withdrawing from a race for whatever reason, as we must notify the CG when all
our boats have finished racing.
All JYC race participants are reminded that operating in a negligent manner (as
determined by the Coast Guard) may cause our racing series to be terminated.
Thank you for your attention to the above and your cooperation on the race
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/RC Chairperson
16 June - The results for the 15 were updated today due to an incorrect PHRF value.
9 June - Class B results were updated due to incorrect PHRF value for Peter Johnstone's Feather.
8 June - The last of the spring series was tonight with 31 boats participating. Afterwards it was party time at the Narragansett.
1 June - 1st day of June and we cancel a race due to threat of thunder storms.
20 May - Last Tuesday night's results were updated due to an error in the finish times.
11 May - The first night of racing in the 2010 season is over. Nice turn out for a cold evening.
26 April - The Race Circular for the 2010 racing season has been posted.
23 February - A nice group of about 40 people attended the Winter Dinner at Trattoria Simpatico. It was quite a wet evening getting to and out. Of course the food was great.
10 February - A crew available feature has been added. If you are looking for a boat or looking for crew, click on "Crew Finder" on the left.
19 January - This year's application for the Joshua Wadsworth Leonard Memorial Sailing Scholarship has been posted. The applications are due to JYC by 24 February and a decision is due by 1 March.
13 January - The 2010 calendar is now posted.
1 January - H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S
Created by Roy H. Guay - 06 December, 2010