2014 JYC Activities

15 Nov - Please reply to the commodore with nominations for Yacht Person of the Year by November 18th.  This award is given to an Active Member in Good Standing of the JYC in recognition of his/her Service to the Club.  This award will be voted on at the Installation & Awards Banquet, Saturday November 22nd.

29 Oct - The November newsletter is posted.

17 Oct - 16 members participated in this year's Annual Meeting at the Fire House. The new board as mentioned below was approved.  The proposal for a Military Membership category was approved.  Fool's Rules proceeds were allocated to the following: No Kingstown Sailing Team, Conanicut Sailing Foundation and Joshua Leonard Sailing Scholarship.

15 Oct - The Annual Meeting will be held upstairs at the Jamestown Firehouse on October 17th at 7:00 PM. Pizza and soft drinks will be provided. Aside from voting on the slate and the military membership proposal we will be taking nominations for the following awards;

The Nominee must be a Junior Member who exemplifies the highest ideals of Sportsmanship, including fairplay and team spirit.

Given to a Junior Member in recognition of his/her water-related Activities performed throughout the year.

The Nominee must be an Active Member in Good Standing of the JYC, involved in Community Service, and must Promote and Project the Ideas of the JYC.

The Nominee must be an Active Member in Good Standing of the JYC, who has shown the true spirit of Corinthian Sailing throughout the season.

You do not  need to be present to nominate someone, just email your nominee and a few lines about why you are nominating them,

 The Nominating Committee has proposed the following Slate of Officers for the 2015 Calendar year.
Commodore: Larry Shuhy
Vice Commodore: Mike Schnack
Rear Commodore: Tim Pennington
Secretary/Membership: Kate Shuhy
Treasurer: Jack Rienzo
Member at Large: Ashley Finan
Member at Large: Rob Bestoso

In other business we will call a vote to ratify an addition of a new membership type defined as follows;
Military Membership:  Available to military personnel with active duty orders for 1 or 2 years. For this temporary membership there will be no initiation fee, dues will be the same as the regular annual fee.  This membership can be transferred to a regular membership with payment of the initiation fee, should the member(s) choose to continue beyond the term of their orders or 2 years, whichever comes first.

5 Oct - The end of the 2014 racing season is over today.  And what a wicked up and down and very shifty day it was.  See you at the awards!

7 Sep - And the fall series begins on an absolutely wonderful day.

26 Aug - The final summer race was held.  The summer series results are tentative pending results of a few protests. It's been a great summer with only 1 weather cancellation. Here's hoping the Fall treats us as well.
Reminder to our Racers that the Fall Series begins Sunday, Sept 7th. After racing on that day, the 2nd Annual JYC Chowder Cook-off  will be held at Fort Getty. All of our racers are welcome. For details, please see the http://www.jyc.org/Newsletters. Hope to see you there.
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

17 Aug - The results of this year's Fool's Rules Regatta are posted.  No story or pictures yet.

13 Aug - The latest Courier is posted in Newsletters

28 July - Note that the Crew Rotation Form should be returned to the Race Committee at the Narragansett Cafe after the race.

15 July - Racing canceled due to extremely thick FOG.

1 July - For those that don't read the Sailing Instructions would you please not recross the finish line after finishing; please go around the outside of the line.  This can potentially hide a boat that is finishing and the RC may not be able to identify the finishing boat.

26 June - A typo was fixed in Class A for Next Wave on 24 June and the new results are posted.

16 June - The June newsletter is posted.

13 May - First night of Spring Racing.  Pretty good attendance for the first night but pretty chilly!

27 April - The 2014 Race Circular is posted now on the Racing page and available for download.  The registration form is included in it.

23 March - The March newsletter is posted and a JYC Facebook has been created.

7 February - The February Newsletter is posted.

28 January - The date for the 2014 Fools Rule's Regatta has been defined; 16 August.

1 January - H A P P Y    H O L I D A Y S

Created by Roy H. Guay - 04 January, 2015