2015 JYC Activities

20 November - The JYC Annual Installation of Officers and Awards Banquet was held on Friday, November 20th at the Hotel VikingWe had an all-time high turnout of 134 people. There was a wonderful photo/movie presentation of the year on the water Racing and Cruising followed by a delicious dinner, awards presentation and dancing. A good time was had by all.

18 November - Ed Doherty has posted a video from the JYC Cruise.  Take a look at it here.

4 October - Due to the existing sea conditions, the Conanicut Marine Service's launch is not running today. I am assuming this would also be the case for CYC as well. Therefore, as many of our racers cannot get to their boats, we are cancelling despite the sunshine. Thank you for a great  season. We'll see you at the Installation and Awards Banquet. Final results are posted.

3 October - Last Fall Race Barbecue scheduled for tomorrow 4 Oct was canceled today.

13 September - Racing abandoned today due to lack of wind after starting (and for starting for a bunch of boats).  And rain didn't help much either.

1 September - What a lovely night to end our Tuesday evening sails for this season! Hope you all enjoyed the summer despite our weird Tuesday weather. See you on Sunday, Sept 13th for the 2nd Fall Series race.
Cheryl Rienzo

26 August - Racers,
Please note that the season results (Spring, Summer and Crew Rotation) have been updated to reflect an error found in the preset start time for all races this season while I was doing the Summer series results. My apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Thanks to all who have participated this summer, despite our bad weather. We hope you enjoyed what sailing we were able to get in on our Tuesdays. Many thanks to our race committee for their tireless efforts for our racers. Looking forward to seeing everyone out for our first Fall Series race next Tuesday, Sept 1st. After that race, we will move to Sundays, starting on Sept 13th.
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

22 August - Fool's Rules Regatta

18 August - So after what seems like a month without racing, we had an awesomely beautiful night. Hopefully, everyone enjoyed the course and our time on the water!
Looking forward to seeing you all at the JYC picnic on Sunday. Please don't forget to RSVP.

8 August - Race Mark Z ???

21 July - Your race committee!

Beautiful night for sailing.

Racing shorthanded with the Hunter Brothers.

Duck finishing on a beautiful evening.

14 July - JYC Racing

1 July - Detail plan for this year's cruise is now posted here.

25 June - JYC Racing
After a very cold spring with lots of fog, here we are into the 2nd week of JYC summer racing with some more wild weather which had us cancelling a race! Hopefully, you all stayed safe in port for the evening. With the weather and water temps warming up, here’s hoping for some good racing. Class splits are set for the summer and if the first race is an indication, everyone is out sailing with us.
Notable upcoming events include our break in the summer series for the Crew Rotation Race on August 4th. I am also trying to organize the Racing Social for that evening. More to follow via email and our JYC website.
A summary of the 2015 Race Circular changes is available at the JYC website attached as the last page to the Race Circular. Please check it out.
Many thanks to our Race Committee volunteers. Without you, we couldn’t conduct the races!
See you all on the water!
Cheryl Rienzo

9 June - No racing tonight due to fog so since this was the last night of the Spring Series the final results are posted.

2 June - Will it warm up soon!  Another cold evening out on the race course.

19 May - Racing canceled due to FOG!

12 May - So the first race of the 2015 season is under our belt. It was great to have 14 boats out after our very cold & delayed spring. It was also lovely to have beautiful sunshine for the evening.
So for those who came out, we hope you enjoyed the evening. For those who have made it yet, we're looking forward to seeing you out on the water.
A few reminders to all our racers:
- Please stay clear of the starting line if it is not your class' start. This is for safety as well as courtesy to your fellow racers.
- Please do not recross the finish line, after your finish. In accordance with our race circular, you may be protested for hindering the race committee's ability to see other finishes.
Thank you for your attention to this.
See you out there next week.
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chair

22 April - JYC Racing
Hopefully, you are all thawing out and finally getting ready for our first Spring Series start on May 12th! While I can’t do anything about our weather, I can promise a good time on the water, which is what we’re all about.
Our evening at Wickford Yacht Club’s Commodore’s Cocktail party brought out some new ideas which I plan to address at the Skipper’s meeting. Our meeting will be held April 28th at the Jamestown Firehouse at 7:00pm. I’m looking forward to seeing our interested racers and discuss some possible new events.
If you are not able to sail with us this season, come join race committee. Please contact me at 401.782.7271 if you would like to join us. No experience necessary as your training will be on the water and there is always good fun (and snacks!) to be had. So whether you’ll be racing or joining the RC, we hope to see you all out there.
See you at the Skipper’s meeting.
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/RC Chairperson

7 April - Logan Ray is the recipient of the Joshua Leonard Sailing Scholarship this year.  Logan is a 3rd grader at the Jamestown Melrose School.

2 April - This was the second Movie Night at the Jamestown Library.  Those attending really enjoyed the movie "Morning Light".

12 February - Our first movie night was a great dry-run. We ended up watching Maidentrip because I didn't get Morning Light in the mail soon enough. I brought other sailing movies and we all voted very democratically :) The room is turn-key and the equipment there was nice. It got very chilly in the room so I need to solve that for next time, but otherwise it's a great spot for simple, free events like this.  Sarah Molinari

6 February - The February Courier is now posted.

13 January - JAMESTOWN YACHT CLUB SAILING SCHOLARSHIP - The Jamestown Yacht Club is now accepting applications for its Joshua Wadsworth Leonard Memorial Sailing Scholarship which is eligible for children between the ages of 8 and 14.
The award was established by Joshua’s parents, who are longtime members of the yacht club. The $200 scholarship will provide sailing lessons for a youngster who would like to enjoy the ocean as much as Joshua did.
Forms are available online at JYC.org. Applications must be submitted by March 1 by mail to Jamestown Yacht Club, P.O. Box 562, Jamestown, RI 02835.

1 January - H A P P Y    H O L I D A Y S

Created by Roy H. Guay - 17 January, 2016