2016 JYC Activities
14 October - Annual meeting was held in the Fire House. 16 members participated. Membership is 102 which is not much different from last year. Fools Rules profits will be split between the North Kingstown High School Siling Team and Conanicut Island Sailing Association. Social: Last year's Banquet was the highest attended in record with 142 people. The Dark & Stormy night, Wickford Yacht Club Cocktail Party, Winter Dinner were all around 30 people. Our Commissioning Cocktail Party brought out 45 members and the End of the Season Sunset Cruise filled the boat with 48 members & friends. Race Committee: There were 52 boats registered this year for racing. This was up by 4 from last year. Cheryl reported that 10 protests were filed: 6 withdrew; 4 hearings were conducted. Thanked all the Race Committee for all their hard work and Spinnakers for an offering après-race venue. Stated that we are always looking for new volunteers.
2 October - Last day of the Fall Series. Ended up being a fairly nice day for sailing though a bit dreary at times. Another year of racing is over at JYC. Hope all had fun during it. Hope to see you all next spring.
1 October - The September newsletter is now out and posted. The 2017 Board is proposed and will be voted on at the Annual Meeting 17 October: Commodore - Mike Schnack, Vice Commodore - Tim Pennington, Rear Commodore - Gary Engelson, Treasurer - Jack Rienzo, Member-at-Large - Bob Giffin, Memership Chair - Jean Lambert, Racing Chair/Fleet Capt. - Cheryl Rienzo, Cruising Chair - Lesley Engelson, Past Commodore - Larry Shuhy.
11 September - Jamestown Yacht Club racers are welcome at both Preppy
Pig and Spinnakers in Jamestown after the race this afternoon. Hope you can join
What started out as a threatening day turned to a beautiful, but very gusty
afternoon for a sail. The RC believed that the wind would die once the front
pushed through so the course went very quickly. Hope you all enjoyed the racing
and spent a moment to remember what we lost on 9/11/2001.
See you on the water next Sunday!
23 August - Thank you all for an enjoyable Summer Series. While the
results have been posted, there remain a few protests pending. We will update as
soon as they are resolved.
Note that next week is the first Fall Race on Tuesday night. We will switch to
Sundays after Labor Day.
Again, thank you for joining us for JYC racing.
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson
13 August - Fool's Rules Regatta was held on the beach down town. See results.
5 July - Despite the very limited wind, it was certainly a beautiful
evening to be on the water. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves! RC got some great
photos with the shortened course. Check out our Facebook page.
As a reminder, you are required to checkout with the Race Committee if you are
retiring from the race.
See you on the water next week.
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Race Committee Chairperson
1 July - Download the RaceQs app and run it during the racing. To compare your race to others racing go to RaceQs JYC.
29 June - The June newsletter is now posted.
14 June - All classes were abandoned due to lack of wind. Quite the start for the summer season.
14 June - The Fool's Rules Rules and Entry Form have been updated for this year's race.
7 June - So the 2016 JYC Spring series is in the books with an
interesting weather evening, and our first venture “outside”. Thankfully, the
fog never rolled in enough to obscure our finish. Hopefully, it wasn’t too bad
out in the channel south of House On The Rocks. Thanks to all who braved the
early season chills and drizzle. On to the summer series…. See you on the water
next week.
PS. Thanks for putting up with the slip designating race mark 3; 30 year habits
are hard to break.
Cheryl Rienzo
19 May - Newport Life magazine awards "best of Newport County" in several categories each year and the winners were announced a the annual "Best of Newport Soiree" at Rosecliff today. The Fools' Rules Regatta received the "Best Regatta" award. All the winners will also be highlighted in the May/June issue of Newport Life magazine.
10 May - For the record….No rain, moderate wind and a pretty sunset peaking through the clouds. I love it when the sunset lights up the sails. Oh, and everyone could find Z!!! It was great to see so many of you out there, despite the recent crappy weather.
1 May - The Commissioning Day ceremonies were held with 32 people attending. Everyone seemed to have a great time.
25 April - Jamestown Yacht Club Racing Season is upon us! Are you ready? Even if your boat isn’t yet prepped due to the cold weather, come join us at the JYC Skipper’s meeting tomorrow evening (practice race night!), at 7:00pm at the Jamestown Firehouse to get a start. We will go over this season’s Race Book updates and the latest safety protocols. And for those who haven’t seen it yet, this year’s Race Book, including registration forms, can be found at the link below.
20 April - The Race Circular with application has been posted today. Download it from the PHRF Racing page.
18 April - The April newsletter is posted.
15 February - The February newsletter is now posted.
17 January - The Joshua Leonard Scholarship document has been posted for download.
1 January - H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S
Created by Roy H. Guay - 28 January, 2017