JYC Awards History
This Award goes to the JYC boat that has the best overall score over the Spring,
Summer and Fall Racing Series.
2018 | Rob Lambert, Barfly |
2017 | Tristan Mouligne, Samba |
2016 | Dennis Nixon, Lynx |
2015 | Dennis Nixon, Lynx |
2014 | Dennis Nixon, Lynx |
2013 | Rob Lambert, Barfly |
2012 | Robert Bestoso, Chairman Arafat |
2011 | Rob Salk, Picante |
2010 | Dennis Nixon, Lynx |
2009 | Robert Bestoso, Chairman Arafat |
2008 | Dennis Nixon, Lynx |
2007 | Robert Bestoso, Chairman Arafat |
2006 | Robert Bestoso, Chairman Arafat |
2005 | Anne & Harry Lane, Fast Lane |
2004 | Anne & Harry Lane, Fast Lane |
2003 | Anne & Harry Lane, Fast Lane |
2002 | Fauss Hull, Skeleton Crew and Anne & Harry Lane, Fast Lane |
2001 | Robert Bestoso, Great Republican |
2000 | Anne & Harry Lane, Fast Lane |
1999 | Dennis Nixon, Jazz |
1998 | Scott Murray, Unplugged |
1997 | Dennis Nixon, Jazz |
1996 | Jack Rienzo, Windward |
1995 | Robert Fadden, Ricochet |
1994 | Robert Bestoso, Great Republican |
1993 | Jeff Cone, Still GOTCHA |
1992 | Robert Fadden, Ricochet |
1991 | Robert Bestoso, Great Republican |
1990 | Richard Canning, Morning Star |
1989 | Roy Guay, Brijan |
1988 | Roy Guay, Brijan |
1987 | Robert Fadden, Time Bandit |
1986 | Laszlo Siegmund, Sherman's March |
1985 | Laszlo Siegmund, Sherman's March |
1984 | Laszlo Siegmund, Sherman's March |
1983 | Dennis Stoops, Whozzat |
1982 | Alex & Sue Amoruso, Cracker Jack II |
1981 | David Sylvia, Black Watch |
The Nominee must be a Junior Member who exemplifies the highest ideals of
Sportsmanship, including fairplay and team spirit.
2018 | |
2017 | James Doherty |
2016 | |
2015 | |
2014 | Rian Hines |
2013 | Catherine Moody |
2012 | Alex Bestoso |
2011 | Madeline and James Doherty |
2010 | Eliza Kallfelz |
2009 | Nico Rienzo |
2008 | Kate Brennan |
2007 | Amina Brown |
2006 | Dylan Vogel |
2005 | Casey Brown |
2004 | Austin Rotondo |
2003 | Tom Brendlinger |
2002 | Alex Sakavich |
2001 | Erin Brennan |
2000 | Ross Bohensky |
1999 | Michael McDonagh |
1997 | Eric Bell |
1996 | Maggie Shuhy |
1995 | Melissa Shuhy |
1994 | Amy Hanson |
1993 | Dana DiGiando |
1992 | Lauren Smith |
1991 | Julie Wright |
1990 | Jeff Cone |
1989 | Chris Calabretta |
1988 |
Given to a Junior Member in recognition of his/her water-related Activities
performed throughout the year.
2018 | |
2017 | |
2016 | |
2015 | |
2014 | Emily Kallfelz |
2013 | |
2012 | Emily Kallfelz |
2011 | Amina Brown |
2010 | Casey Brown |
2009 | Nathan Lambert |
2008 | Dylan Vogel |
2007 | Emily Kallfelz |
2006 | Victor Lambert |
2005 | Marisa Nixon |
2004 | Anna Minuiti |
2003 | Katrina Salk |
2002 | Julia McInnis |
2001 | Elizabeth Gooding |
2000 | Alex Rienzo |
1999 | Sarah Nixon |
1998 | Casey and Amina Brown |
1997 | Lauren Buckley |
1996 | Katie Calabretta |
1995 | Dana DiGiando |
1994 | Trevor Yates |
1993 | Jeff Cone |
1992 | Ben Jacobsen |
1991 | Jeff Cone |
1990 | Mike Shuhy |
1989 | Ken Tyson |
1988 | Kirk Fadden |
1987 | Nathan Amoruso |
1986 | Kerry Tyson |
The Nominee must be an Active Member in Good Standing of the JYC, involved in
Community Service, and must Promote and Project the Ideas of the JYC.
2018 | Dennis Nixon |
2017 | Jack Hubbard |
2016 | Michael Schnack |
2015 | Chris Powell |
2014 | Michael DiAngeli |
2013 | Maureen Coleman |
2012 | Vic Calabretta |
2011 | Rita Brin |
2010 | Chris Brown |
2009 | Thomas Harris |
2008 | Anne Lane |
2007 | Dick Alphin |
2006 | Carol Nelson-Lee |
2005 | Chris Powell |
2004 | Andrew and Julie Kallfelz |
2003 | Vic Calabretta |
2002 | Julio DiGiando |
2001 | John Kelly |
2000 | Samira Hakki |
1999 | Mary Brennan |
1998 | Betty and Jack Hubbard |
1997 | Mary and Ellicot Wright |
1996 | Jill Anderson |
1995 | Carol and Donald Armington |
1994 | Judy Knight |
1993 | Larry Buckley |
1992 | William Munger |
1991 | Julio DiGiando |
1990 | Martha Yates |
1989 | Chris & Candy Powell |
1988 | Dennis Nixon |
1987 |
The Nominee must be an Active Member in Good Standing of the JYC, who has shown the
true spirit of Corinthian Sailing throughout the season.
2018 | Paul Grimes |
2017 | |
2016 | Larry & Betty Buckley |
2015 | Samira Hakki |
2014 | Rob Salk/John Sahagian and Crew of Picante |
2013 | John & Joe Impagliazzo |
2012 | Charlie Beal |
2011 | Ed and Melanie Doherty |
2010 | Nicole Breault & Bruce Stone |
2009 | Roy Guay |
2008 | Julie and Andrew Kallfelz |
2007 | Dennis Stoops |
2006 | Robert Lambert |
2005 | Steve McInnis |
2004 | Cheryl Rienzo |
2003 | Harry Lane |
2002 | Patrick Muldoon |
2001 | Roy Guay |
2000 | Anne Lane |
1999 | Dennis Stoops |
1998 | Robert Jannelle |
1997 | Steve Brin |
1996 | Vic Calabretta |
1995 | James Walker |
1994 | Judy Calabretta |
1993 | Kate Shuhy |
1992 | Robert Taylor |
1991 | Henry & Anne Lane |
1990 | John Rienzo |
1989 | Winston Knight |
1988 | Robert Fadden |
1987 | William & Sue Nicholson |
1986 | Bob Bryer |
Given to an Active Member in Good Standing of the JYC in recognition of his/her
Service to the Club (this award is voted on at the Installation & Awards Banquet).
2018 | Mike Schnack |
2017 | Vic Calabretta |
2016 | Cheryl Rienzo |
2015 | Linc Mossop III |
2014 | Sarah Molinari |
2013 | Lois Cone & Jack Rienzo |
2012 | Fred Bartlett |
2011 | Ed Doherty |
2010 | Kate Shuhy |
2009 | Cheryl Rienzo |
2008 | Larry Buckley |
2007 | Mary Brennan |
2006 | Bill Cone |
2005 | Steve McInnis |
2004 | Link Mossop |
2003 | Winston Knight |
2002 | Steve Brin |
2001 | Steve McInnis |
2000 | Don Armington |
1999 | Buckey Brennan |
1998 | Roy Guay |
1997 | May and Bill Munger |
1996 | Ellen McDonagh |
1995 | Lois Cone |
1994 | Jill Anderson |
1993 | Lois Cone |
1992 | Cheryl Rienzo |
1991 | Ron Lindgren |
1990 | Jill & Rick Anderson |
1989 | Bonnie Hogan/Larry Shuhy |
1988 | Kate Shuhy |
1987 | Rena Tyson |
1986 | Bob Bryer |
1985 | Joe Teixeira |
1984 | Bob & Joan Dunford |
1983 | Jayne Lindgren |
1982 | Dureen Bryer |
1981 | Thomas Sisson |
1980 | Thomas Sisson |
1979 | Brian Lareau |
Given to an Active Member in Good Standing of the JYC who exemplifies the
cruising spirit.
2018 | Lesley Engelson |
1997 | Caya - Carl Sorenson |
1992 | Ricochet - Bob Fadden |
1990 | Teaticket - W. MacLean |
1989 | The Phantom - R. Fadden |
1988 | Teaticket - W. MacLean |
1987 | Ripple - B & D Bryer |
1986 | Teaticket - W. MacLean |
1985 | Bill Munger |
1984 | Dovekie - B. Ashton |
1983 | Ricochet - Bob Fadden |
1982 | Toddy Wax - B. Ashton |
1981 | Toddy Wax - B. Ashton |
1980 | Runa VII - D & S Nixon |
Created by Roy Guay - updated 25 November 2018