2000 Activities
17 November - The Officer Installation & Awards Banquet was held tonight at the Hotel Viking in Newport and 125 people enjoyed the evening. The new JYC Board was inducted by the new Commadore Julio DiGiando. The JYC Special Awards, Cruising Awards and Racing Awards were handed out after the great evening meal and then dancing to the Rhode Island Dee Jay Service. Check out the pictures taken by the RIDJ.
20 October - About 40 people plus some children attended this year's JYC's Annual Meeting at the Fire House. 15 large pizzas were devoured. The proposed slate for 2001 JYC Board was approved (see below, 6 October). A brief on the Conanicut Sailing Foundation was given. The proceeds from the 2000 Fool's Rules Regatta were divvied up between the following organizations: Conanicut Sailing Foundation, Community Center Beautification, North Kingstown Sailing Program, Rocket Dawgs, Jamestown Fire Department, Hospice Regatta, Jamestown Medical Fund, Conanicut Battery and the Conanicut Land Trust.
6 October - The new proposed roster for the 2001 JYC Board has been nominated: Commodore - Julio DiGiando, Vice Commodore - Richard Boes, Rear Commodore - Bucky Brennan, Secretary - Chris Calabretta, Treasurer - Winston Knight, Members-at-large - Andrew Kallfelz and Samira Hakki. Come on out to the JYC Annual Meeting on 20 October to approve the new board as well as nominate members for the following awards: Sydney L. Wright Memorial Award, Marston W. Keeler Jr. Sportsmanship Award, JYC Outstanding Jr. Achievement Award, Kit Wright Community Service Memorial Award, U.S. Sailing Sportsmanship Award and JYC Wooden Boat Award.
5 October - The summer results for Race 10 and for the Summer Summary have been modified due to the Tasmanian Devil Retiring from Race 10. Also, for the A Class in the Fall Series, the tie for 3rd place was incorrect and has been corrected so that Unplugged ends up with 3rd for the Fall Series.
1 October - Another racing season is finished today. Take a look at the results page for the whole year. I hope all enjoyed the racing this year and hope to see you out there next year.
25 September - Sorry about the delay on posting the results from yesterday. They are now posted. Note that there is a tie for 1st in the non-spinnaker fleet between Great Republican and honky tonk Attitude. If the series were over now, honk tonk Attitude would be the winner due to the tie breaker. The last race may determine who wins.
17 September - Oops. Discovered today that Great Republican had the wrong PHRF value. It affected only the 1st Fall Race. Great Republican went to 3rd and honky tonk Attitude went to 4th.
24 August - The Fools' Rules Regatta results were posted today. Biggest boat turn out ever.
23 August - The summer summary has been updated to exclude throw outs and to exclude (in the score calculation) boats that can not qualify for the Summer Series. Also, we noticed that the PHRF value was incorrect for a few boats. Rumors was changed mid season to -3 from 3, Tiberius was incorrectly at 54 and it should have been 59, the No Name boat (Quest 30) was incorrectly at 45 and was changed to 95. Only one race was impacted, Tiberius ended up tied for 8th place in 4th race vice 9th.
19 August - The Fools Rules Regatta was held today in beautiful weather. I'll provide more info when I get it.
19 August - The Family Day event was canceled.
12 August - CYC soundly trounced us today in the JYC/CYC Challenge with fairly strong winds ranging from 15 to 23 knots out of the Northeast. The Race Committee sent them up to Race Mark 18, way up by Prudence. Congratulations CYC. 21 boats raced unlike one boat that wimped out. There were 10 CYC boats and 11 JYC boats.
27 July - I posted the Crew Rotation results today. There were so many boats that did not turn in their paper work per the Crew Rotation instructions, I am also providing the unofficial results showing the scoring of the boats that did not submit their paper work. The actual results which will be used for the trophies are shown in the tentative official results.
25 July - We had a little bit of rain going out to the start of the Crew Rotation but that was it for the evening. We had a great sail and 35 boats participated. Unfortunately we had a few technical difficulties and hope to post the results by Thursday night. Sorry about that. There was great attendance and it looked like the event went well.
15 July - During the Block Island Rendezvous, over 15 juniors participated in dinghy and kayak races as well as a beach barbecue.
30 June - Fifteen Juniors visited the Tall Ships with Samira Hakki today.
27 June - Tonight's race was postponed while the Thunderstorm went through but that left no wind afterwards so the race was cancelled. A few boats that braved the weather and went out to the starting area got drenched including the race committee.
23 June - What a great night for racing and sailing. The last boats finished just after midnight. It was warm, dry, the wind was light for maybe an hour around Dutch Island, then the wind switched to the Northwest with perfectly flat waters. It was great; one I will remember for a long time.
13 June - The first summer race is over and the competition looks impressive with many new boats this year. A couple of Beneteau 40.7s, J-35, J-130, Diva 39, Albin Nova, Sonar (Karl & Ann Seemann traded in the Sabre for a Sonar) and a Cal 34. The Sport Boat class is up to 5 boats with the additions of In Theory (Kiwi 35 Mod with its Mumm 30 like rigging) and Surprise (Mount Gay 30). Puff (Beneteau 40.7) won the B class and Ushuaia (J-35) got 3rd in the B class. XS (Diva 39) won the D class. And check out the small boat spinaker class, 1:28 between 1st and last place (eight boats) with the two slowest (PHRF) boats taking 1st (Break Away) and 3rd (Great Republican). Welcome all to JYC racing. Summer racing looks great at JYC.
6 June - The Race Committee actually held a race today; the last Spring Race. The winds were fine initially but they did build up later and the Race Committee decided to shorten the course at "X". Four brave souls showed up. Check the results.
26 May - Sorry about the lateness for posting the results. The Navy saw fit to keep me on a submarine longer than I was suppose to. I posted them today. 1st time in five years.
9 May - The first race under new Race Committee Chair Steve McInnis was held tonight. Great winds. Great race committee boat thanks to Fred Clarke and Bill Munger.
30 April - This year's Commissioning Brunch was held at the Jamestown Portuguese Club (PAC) today. About 35 people participated including many children. This reflects the growing number of children in our Yacht Club. Julio DiGiando announced this year's winner of the Joshua Leonard Sailing Scholarship Award to Erin Brennan. Again, Joe Perry provided a great brunch. The following new family members joined us and were introduced to the membership: the Babich's and the Rotondo's.
28 April - I just posted the 2000 Race Circular in PDF format.
26 April - Thirty people decided to brave the ugly spring weather to attend the first Skipper's meeting for Steve McInnis. Of course, we spent a lot of time talking about sailing and of course the mooring fees came up. Vic Bell was proud to announce that he has a new J/105. There were several new people that attended. A Beneteau 40.7 will be racing spinnaker this year; welcome Neil. After the Skipper's meeting, the cruise people kicked us out and they planned the cruising for this year. I'll post the plan for this year as soon as I get it.
31 March - The Pot Luck supper was held at the PAC. We had a tremendous turnout especially for children, about twenty five. There were also about 50 adults. The food of course was great, since it was pot luck, and the entertainment was enjoyed by all. Michael Lynn provided a sing along for the children, magic tricks with several people involved (Jack Rienzo was the star) and plenty of balloon tricks. The evening went by so fast that it didn't end till 10 PM. This was one of the best turn outs for the Pot Luck.
3 March - Winter Dinner at the Coast Guard House in Narragansett. About 24 people attended and had wonderful meals and plenty of gab. We even had a spirited discussion about our favorite topic these days; mooring fees in Jamestown.
Created by Roy H. Guay - 13 January, 2001