Sponsored by the Jamestown Yacht Club


The 46th Annual Fools’ Rules Regatta has been scheduled for Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 9:00 am on the Town Beach at East Ferry, Jamestown, R.I. The rain date will be the following day, August 18th. The first cannon will be fired at 9:00 sharp signaling the start of construction. Participants will have two hours to construct their vessels with the cannon signaling the start of the first race being fired at 11:00 AM sharp.

This marvelous event is open to persons of all ages, sizes, sexes, and is free. Because only nautical and sometimes naughty language is used at this event we have found that communications between crews and spectators are best handled by an interpreter or perhaps, the police.


All vessels are to be entirely constructed on the beach. They may be pre- fabricated prior to the event, but must be completely disassembled before coming to the beach. All persons constructing the vessel must be the vessel’s sailing crew. No bystanders assistance will be acceptable except in the oper- ation of the launching and in vociferous encouragement. The crews are warned not to retaliate against other crews’ or spectators’ insults, but to at- tend to their work in a gentlemanly and ladylike manner. There will be no hurling of tools, materials, bottles or cans at any overly excited spectators who might have heavy bets on certain vessels. No manufactured items such as dinghies (inflatable or otherwise), surfboards, masts or sails may be used. Hull examples might be beer cans, auto bodies, bathtubs, trees, or an old worn-out sofa. Sails could be made of old sheets, old rugs, burlap bags, or your grandma’s petticoats.


Information and enrty forms are available via the Jamestown Yacht Club website: www.jyc.org. Forms may be presented at the registration desk the day of the regatta.

Vessels shall be propelled by nature’s wind only. There shall be no me- chanical means of propulsion. Because of the possibility of gales, hurri- canes, and such during the competition, all vessels must be equipped with some sort of life saving device such as beach balls or water wings. There shall also be bailing equipment, for example, an eye dropper, chamber pot, beer mug, or ear syringe.

All vessels must carry a suitable anchor and carry at least 30 feet of line. All crew members MUST wear Coast Guard approved life preservers, or their vessel will be disqualified.

The entry number of the vessel must be on the sail. This number will be spray painted on the “sail” for easy identification, as the judges MUST know who you are.

The Chief Fool reserves the right to change any and all of these rules at any time.


Kicking, oaring, paddling, punting, ooching, sculling, pulling, pushing, or cheating will not be tolerated. No eye-catching beauties shall be used to distract and confuse competitors. There shall be no hurling of missiles at competing crews, or at rowdy or boisterous spectators on the shore. There shall be no deliberate ramming of other vessels. No time allowance will be given for running aground, sinking, drifting off to Newport, Block Island or Providence or becoming disabled by inter or intra-crew fighting. The very high-grade character of this event demands best behavior and tempers must be controlled. The protest committee’s responsibility is to call local and state police and the National Guard on occasion when their assistance is required.

Class 1 – one person, no less. Class 2 – two persons. Class 3 – three per- sons. Class 4 – four persons (make sense). Unlimited class – unlimited crew.

A vessel may race in one class only. No registration or class change af- ter 10:30. Each vessel will be assigned a sail number at the time of reg- istration. This number must be clearly visible on the vessel’s sail.


A cannon will be fired at 9:00 AM to signal the start of construction and confusion. A second cannon will be fired at 11:00 AM to commence the start of Class l’s race. Classes 2, 3, 4 and Unlimited will be launched respec- tively after the start of the preceding class and will await instructions from the Chief Fool for its own start. Participants must remove their vessels from the water immediately after their race to make room for the next class.


About 500 yards long, direction to be established by the Race Committee on the day of the regatta (usually down. Vessels sailing by way of Saunder- stown or Newport will be disqualified.

AWARDS – will be given out on the beach shortly after the last race has finished.
Ribbons will be given to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners of each class.

Three special awards are also given:
Worst Example of Naval Architecture – past winners have not reached the

finish line, sinking either en route or collapsing prior to the start of the race.

Karl Smith Most Ingenious Design – the best design, dedicated to the founder of the regatta

The Frank Newman Judges’ Award – the best overall theme with special consideration this year to “vessels” that incorporate a historical theme cele- brating the 350th year of Jamestown. Past winners have worn costumes.