Jamestown Yacht Club PHRF Racing

2020 Series Race Results


Download the 2018-2020 South Bay Chart

Participating Boats

Looking for crew or looking for a boat, click here for list of available crew.

RACE # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SPRING 5/12 5/19 5/26 6/2 6/9          
SUMMER 6/23 6/30 7/7 7/14 7/21 7/28 8/4 8/11 8/18 8/25
FALL 9/1 9/13 9/20 9/27 10/4          
Race Circular
(includes Entry Form) NEW 6/20
Captain/Crew Forms

JYC/CYC Challange History


PDF Forms for your convenience: Application and Waiver/Release


NOTE:  Please note that due to the COVID-19 environment you must fill out the Captain/Crew forms including all crew members and submit them to Cheryl Rienzo.

2020 Race Notes

10/4 – We finished the 2020 season by not racing; no wind.  The final results are posted.

9/27 – Talk about a long race.  Class A was sent out to R2 with winds around 5-6 knots and lumpy seas!  Class B was sent to R4 and Class C was sent to R4.

8/26 – To our JYC Members and Racers:
It has not been a good season for Tuesday weather, with only 5 of the 10 summer races completed.  Tuesday’s weather, however was exceptional.  As documented by several boats’ Expedition files, the storm blew through in roughly 3 minutes.

In the aftermath of the weather event on Tuesday evening, I am overwhelmed at the spirit and sportsmanship of our fleet! Thanks to Bill Doyle for this glimpse of the storm from his dock in Newport at 7:01pm Tuesday.

While you are certainly competitive with each other during racing, you all showed tremendous community spirit, some standing by to render assistance to those in the water or picking up equipment lost off a boat, or relaying information to us on RC as we tried to complete a roll call. Others jumping in their own power boats to go back out and help search for the missing boats or offering their boats to help locate the sunken vessels.  Everyone was accounted for and I’m happy to report that the sunken Alerion, Havsflickan, sailing in our D fleet, was found and raised today.

Thank you, All, for your efforts Tuesday evening that saw everyone safe. I am proud to be part of this fleet.

Most respectfully,
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee

8/25 – 2020 Summer season went out with a bang.  We had just taken the spinnaker down and were headed to the finish from Fort Adams when we hear from RC that the race was abandoned due to a squall coming through.  A few boats were heard to have sail problems but most made it home with few problems and with no people getting hurt.  Out of 10 planned races only 5 were held!  Tuesdays were awful!

6/30 – So we had a bit of everything for our first night out after last week’s fog…Resetting the start pin when it sailed away; the car carrier and it’s wake from hell; the wind shift just prior to D fleet start; a general recall for the D Fleet; and the total lack of wind at around 7:45 causing a very slow finish for the D fleet. But we’re out on the water!!! Hopefully everyone had a great time, even those who didn’t finish.
See you out there next week.
Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson