JYC 2024 Skipper’s Meeting

To our JYC Racers,
Great Skippers Meeting conducted tonight with good attendance in person and on Zoom. We appreciate your attention to the changes we’ve made for this season and the Safety presentation we had regarding our narrow channel.
Many thanks to Dave Kane, a Navigation instructor from the Surface Warfare Schools Command (SWSC) and a Narragansett Bay sailor. I’ve summarized his presentation in the post-meeting Skippers Mtg presentation.
Also, many thanks to CYC for allowing us to use their facility for this event. Much appreciated.

For those who were unable to attend, please see the attached presentation for a summary of this year’s changes/updates.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Hope to see you all on the water soon!


01 October 2023

JYC Racers, despite our struggles with the tide/current today in setting our pin, the day was a great finish to the 2023 racing season. Thank you to all our racers and a special thank you to our great volunteers on race committee! Hopefully, we’ll see you all at the Installation & Awards Banquet on Saturday, 18 November. Invites will be out soon.

24 September

Racers and Race Committee,
Thanks to all those dedicated sailors and volunteers who came out in less than ideal conditions to join us for Race #4 of the Fall Series! After the bounce of last week, we had flat seas, but plenty of wind and rain and then the fog came in! We appreciate your dedication!!
See you out on the water next week for the last race of the season. Fingers crossed for good weather!