Welcome to the 2023 Season

To our racers:
Welcome to the 2023 season! Nice evening tonight if a bit chilly.  Just a friendly reminder to NOT recross the finish line as you may obscure other finishers from the RC on the dock. You can be protested for this. Please see the Race Circular paragraph 2.11.3 regarding this.  See you on the water on 5/23 for our next race.

Last Fall Race Canceled

Dear Racers,

I am cancelling tomorrow’s race due to the gale warning in place for Narragansett Bay.  I’ve been informed TPG Conanicut Marina has already cancelled the launch for tomorrow.

It has been a very good season and we hope to see you at the Installation & Awards Banquet on 18 Nov at Conanicut Yacht Club to close it out. Invitations will be going out shortly.

And as always, we’ll see you on the water in the spring! Thank you for a great season!

Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

End of Summer Season

Thanks for a great Summer Series! We’ll see those who’ve registered on the water for next week’s first Fall Series race (Tuesday, Aug 30).  We’ll have a small break for Labor Day weekend and see you back for the remainder of the Fall series on Sunday’s, Sept 11 – Oct 2.
As a reminder, please do not recross the finish line or block it while we trying to complete finishes.

Cheryl Rienzo
JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson

Vessel Under power Which May Be Restricted In Her Ability To Maneuver


Last night’s incident with the oiler vessel raised concern with the pilot. Please bear in mind that while you may feel you are okay and keeping distance, the pilot may not be able to see you from their vantage point.  Just a reminder:

Per our JYC Sailing Instructions, paragraph 2.15.3, all participants are subject to the navigation rules of the road, which prohibits interference with vessels that can only navigate within areas considered “narrow channels or fairways”.  One or more areas where we race in Narragansett Bay have been designated a Restricted Channel by the US Coast Guard and sailing boats do not automatically become “stand-on” or “privileged” by virtue of participation in the racing event, i.e., do not have right of way over a vessel under power which may be restricted in her ability to maneuver.

All JYC race participants are reminded that operating in a negligent manner (as determined by the US Coast Guard) may cause our racing series to be terminated.

It is not worth one boat’s time to lose racing for all of us.


Cheryl Rienzo

JYC Fleet Captain/Race Committee Chairperson



JYC Summer & Fall Series racing updates

Dear Racers,

For our summer series, we will be shifting back to 4 starts from 5 while still scoring 5 classes, per JYC Race Book Sailing Instructions paragraph 2.6.1 and Summer Series Addendum paragraph 4.3.1. Classes C and D will share a start. Please look for both class flags to fly on the high staffs at the cabin with the prep flag to fly off the stern of the RC boat for that starting sequencing.

This will allow us to have reasonable length courses for all classes as the daylight reduces throughout the series.

JYC Race Book Notice of Race paragraph 1.11.1.c, JYC Qualifiers, is updated as follows:

“JYC Qualifiers: JYC Member-Racer boats that participate in the JYC Cruise Week at the same time as a Summer Series Race shall get a qualifier for that week’s race. Any JYC Member-Racer skippers that participate in a yacht club team race supporting the JYC at the same time as one of the JYC races shall get a qualifier for that race (if their boat does not race in the JYC race). JYC Qualifiers: JYC Member-Racer boats that participate in the JYC Cruise Week at the same time as a Summer Series Race shall get a qualifier for that week’s race. Any JYC Member-Racer skippers that participate in a yacht club team race supporting the JYC at the same time as one of the JYC races shall get a qualifier for that race (if their boat does not race in the JYC race). JYC boats that participate in the 9/11 Sail For Hope shall get a qualifier for that race (if their boat does not race in the JYC 2nd Fall series race).”